Subtitles for


소년장수 (少年將帥 / 少年大将) Flag

  • Year: 1982
  • Subtitles rated good
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Language Release Name/Film title Files H.I. Owner Comment
English Young.general.2014.E060.EN   Fataobstant
"Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea. 
English Young.general.2014.E059.EN   Fataobstant
"Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea. 
English Young.general.2014.E058.EN   Fataobstant
"Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea. 
English Young.general.2014.E057.EN   Fataobstant
"Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea. 
English Young.general.2014.E056.EN   Fataobstant
"Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea. 
English Young.general.2014.E055.EN   Fataobstant
"Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea. 
English Young.general.2014.E054.EN   Fataobstant
"Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea. 
English Young.general.2014.E053.EN   Fataobstant
"Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea. 
English Young.general.2014.E052.EN   Fataobstant
"Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea. 
English Young.general.2014.E051.EN   Fataobstant
"Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea. 
Japanese Shonen.taisho.2015.E51.JA   Beringen
「朝鮮中央TV」2015年8月23日に放送された『少年大将第 51部』。金日成時代に第50部まで制作された。2014年12月、金正恩が「朝鮮4.26漫画映画撮影所」を「現地指導」し、「100部まで」作るよう指示。その指示に伴う第1作。日本語字幕付き。